Editor, Author at Mesa de la Sociedad Civil para la transparencia en las Industrias Extractivas https://mesatransparenciaextractivas.org/author/editor/ Fri, 16 Jun 2023 15:45:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://mesatransparenciaextractivas.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/favicon-1.jpg Editor, Author at Mesa de la Sociedad Civil para la transparencia en las Industrias Extractivas https://mesatransparenciaextractivas.org/author/editor/ 32 32 Agenda with 75 proposals for the post-extractivist transition in Colombia https://mesatransparenciaextractivas.org/en/uncategorized/agenda-con-75-propuestas-para-la-transicion-post-extractivista-en-colombia/ Mon, 26 Sep 2022 17:19:22 +0000 https://mesatransparenciaextractivas.org/uncategorized/agenda-con-75-propuestas-para-la-transicion-post-extractivista-en-colombia/ This Agenda is the result of the reflection that the National Forum for Colombia and the Central Region Forum – members of the Civil Society Table for Transparency in the Extractive Industries – have been carrying out in the last ten years on the role of extractive activity in the country, through studies carried out ... Read more

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This Agenda is the result of the reflection that the National Forum for Colombia and the Central Region Forum – members of the Civil Society Table for Transparency in the Extractive Industries – have been carrying out in the last ten years on the role of extractive activity in the country, through studies carried out by the Extractive Industries Observatory, and contact with local communities and a wide range of social organizations with which they work in their regions of influence.


Productive diversification, climate change and governance of the extractive sector: 75 proposals for a transition agenda in Colombia is the title of the publication of Foro Región Central and Foro Nacional por Colombia, which had the support of Brot für die Welt and Ford Foundation, which presents the result of more than ten years of systematic analysis on the behavior of mining and hydrocarbons in the country. The Agenda raises several important issues for the current debate on the construction of a fairer, more sustainable and equitable development model in Colombia, with the participation of the communities in the decisions that are made regarding the territory, the economy and the protection of the environment. .

The Agenda presents a diagnosis of the results of public policies promoted by recent governments that have favored the exploitation and export of minerals and hydrocarbons. In addition, it shows the inconvenience of the extractivist emphasis of our development model, since it has generated a reprimarization of the economy – that is, the economy has been based on activities of the primary or extractive sector – without generating the positive impact on formal employment that It is expected and has put the country in a very vulnerable situation in the face of fluctuations in the international prices of raw materials.

Likewise, it draws attention to the sector, since despite the impacts generated by large farms in the territories and their population – as well as in the ecosystems and the sustainability of fauna and flora, rivers and sources of water – A large part of the communities and local authorities are excluded from decisions about mining and hydrocarbons. This fact has become one of the main sources of social conflicts in Colombia and is related to the threats and deaths of social leaders who seek to defend their territory from extractive projects.

The Agenda points out a route to advance in the discussion of a development model less dependent on minerals and hydrocarbons. There are 75 proposals in terms of productive diversification, energy transition and governance. Each of them identifies the measures that the government can adopt, the institutional changes that are required, the fiscal resources that must be available, and the role of public, private, and social actors in this process.

In terms of productive diversification, the country must considerably reduce its high dependence on the income generated by the export of minerals and hydrocarbons, because most of the economic blocks have proposed measures to reduce the use of these fuels and if the country does not align to these measures and does not encourage the growth of other productive sectors, could experience a deep economic crisis in the medium term.

An issue of great relevance is the energy transition, on which Colombia must give a serious discussion to change its consumption matrix, including renewable energy sources and, in addition, with the duty to reduce its contribution to the international inventory of polluting emissions due to its export of oil and coal. This is in harmony with the climate change agenda that requires urgent measures from all states to stop an environmental catastrophe in the coming decades, the need to protect water sources and nature, and the importance of conserving the livelihoods of communities. .

Also, the Governance Agenda outlines measures to promote dialogue between the nation and the territories, to reach agreements on a fairer development model, and proposes strategies to include citizen participation in public policy decisions, with actions to guarantee transparent rules of the game for all stakeholders interested in contributing to the development of the country.

Finally, this Agenda proposes a transition approach with a time horizon of ten to fifteen years, understanding that it is not possible to change the extractivist economic approach overnight. Therefore, progressive measures must be included so that a negative impact is not generated on the income of the State and on the territories that depend on mining and hydrocarbons. Likewise, it makes a call to implement institutional, regulatory and policy changes that must be specified, carried out and guarantee their continuity.


This document will be presented at an event called Just and Sustainable Post-Extractivist Transition in Colombia: Challenges and Proposals, which is organized by Foro Región Central, Foro Nacional por Colombia and the Faculty of Finance, Government and International Relations of the Externado de Colombia University.

The event will take place next Thursday, September 29 at the Externado de Colombia University: calle 12 # 1 – 17 Este from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.m. Registration is enabled at the following link: https://bit.ly/3U8LBlu (limited capacity).

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Escazú will have its second debate this Tuesday, May 17 in the Colombian Congress. https://mesatransparenciaextractivas.org/en/news/industry-news-en/escazu-tendra-su-segundo-debate-este-martes-17-de-mayo-en-el-congreso-de-colombia/ Tue, 17 May 2022 17:25:30 +0000 https://mesatransparenciaextractivas.org/uncategorized/escazu-tendra-su-segundo-debate-este-martes-17-de-mayo-en-el-congreso-de-colombia/ The Escazú Agreement seeks to guarantee access to environmental information, citizen participation in decision-making, access to justice, and capacity building for sustainable development. Bogotá, May 17, 2022 On April 26, the Second Committee of the Senate approved in the first debate Bill 251 of 2021, which seeks to ratify the Escazú Agreement, which aims to ... Read more

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The Escazú Agreement seeks to guarantee access to environmental information, citizen participation in decision-making, access to justice, and capacity building for sustainable development.

Bogotá, May 17, 2022

On April 26, the Second Committee of the Senate approved in the first debate Bill 251 of 2021, which seeks to ratify the Escazú Agreement, which aims to reduce socio-environmental conflicts, guaranteeing access to environmental information, public participation in environmental decision-making and access to justice in environmental matters. In addition, Escazú seeks the protection of environmental leaders.
Therefore, the second debate to be held this Tuesday, May 17 at 3:00 p.m., which seeks to ratify Colombia’s accession to the Escazú Agreement, is of utmost importance. For this debate, the discussion of the positive report authored by senators Iván Cepeda, Feliciano Valencia and Antonio Sanguino is scheduled, who hope to have a quorum in the plenary and that the government majorities do not delay the ratification of the agreement, despite the fact that it was the same government that presented the bill to ratify it during the last legislature.

The importance of this agreement for Colombia lies in the considerable number of environmental conflicts and the difficult situation of environmental leaders, as it is the most risky country to assume this role in Latin America and the Caribbean. Its implementation can substantially improve access to environmental information and citizen participation in environmental decision-making, as well as access to justice in matters involving the use of natural resources.

From the Civil Society Roundtable for Transparency in the Extractive Industries we call on the Senators of the Republic to ratify the Escazú Agreement, in order to mitigate the socio-environmental problems that afflict much of the national territory and with a view to the 2030 Agenda and the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals.

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The XXVI Meeting of the Civil Society Roundtable for Transparency in the Extractive Industries was successfully held. https://mesatransparenciaextractivas.org/en/news/board-news-en/se-realizo-de-manera-satisfactoria-la-xxvi-reunion-de-la-mesa-de-la-sociedad-civil-para-la-transparencia-en-las-industrias-extractivas/ Tue, 03 May 2022 17:31:14 +0000 https://mesatransparenciaextractivas.org/uncategorized/se-realizo-de-manera-satisfactoria-la-xxvi-reunion-de-la-mesa-de-la-sociedad-civil-para-la-transparencia-en-las-industrias-extractivas/ On April 26, the XXVI Meeting of the Civil Society Roundtable for Transparency in the Extractive Industries was held in Bogota, with the participation of delegations that are part of the roundtable at the national level. The meeting began with a presentation by Noel Murray (executive director of Directorio Legislativo) of the “Joining The Dots” ... Read more

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On April 26, the XXVI Meeting of the Civil Society Roundtable for Transparency in the Extractive Industries was held in Bogota, with the participation of delegations that are part of the roundtable at the national level.

The meeting began with a presentation by Noel Murray (executive director of Directorio Legislativo) of the “Joining The Dots” project, which seeks to explore information on the assets of public officials; public contracting; and tenders in the extractive sector, in order to identify possible conflicts of interest, corruption or improper use of public office. Murray was accompanied by Mark Robinson, EITI executive director, and Francisco París, EITI director for Latin America and the Caribbean.

This presentation, in addition to the participation of the Mesa’s social organizations, included interventions by Claudia Báez, a journalist from Cuestión Pública, and the data expert organization Datasketch, who positively valued the effort of cross-checking data to find possible conflicts of interest of public officials in the extractive sector. A webcast of this presentation can be found on the Bureau’s Facebook page.

Subsequently, a panel was held on the progress of the Subnational EITI, in which the Technical Secretariat of EITI Colombia presented the current status of the implementation of the EITI standard in the prioritized territories: Boyacá, Casanare, Cesar and Santander. On the civil society side, ABC Colombia and the CSIR Cesar participated, commenting on the views from their territories on the processes being carried out in the formation of the local committees.

Francisco París, for his part, highlighted the role of civil society in the EITI standard validation process that Colombia will begin in the second half of the year. “You are going to be consulted, that’s part of the spirit of the standard. There will be many opportunities to hear your voice in the validation. And the best of luck for Colombia to do justice to your efforts,” he said.

Presentations were also made on the Anti-Corruption Legal Advice Center (ALAC) and the initiative on whistleblowing and whistleblower protection in the context of extractive sector operations, by the Transparency for Colombia corporation.

The meeting culminated with an intervention by the organizations representing civil society before the National Tripartite Committee, which, together with the government and the private sector, coordinates actions for the continuation of the work within the framework of the EITI initiative. These are Crudo Transparente, Fundación Atabaque and Transparencia por Colombia.

The Civil Society Roundtable for Transparency in the Extractive Industries emerged in 2013 and currently brings together more than twenty social organizations and academic institutions from different parts of the country. Its objective is to seek higher levels of transparency and access to public information in the Colombian extractive sector.

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Statement by the Civil Society Roundtable for Transparency in the Extractive Industries on the Escazú Agreement https://mesatransparenciaextractivas.org/en/news/board-news-en/pronunciamiento-de-la-mesa-de-la-sociedad-civil-para-la-transparencia-en-las-industrias-extractivas-sobre-el-acuerdo-de-escazu/ Mon, 25 Apr 2022 17:34:48 +0000 https://mesatransparenciaextractivas.org/uncategorized/pronunciamiento-de-la-mesa-de-la-sociedad-civil-para-la-transparencia-en-las-industrias-extractivas-sobre-el-acuerdo-de-escazu/ Colombian organizations ask Congress to urgently ratify Escazú Agreement Given the alarming situation of those who defend the environment in Colombia and the lack of guarantees in the protection of ecosystems, as well as the barriers that prevent effective citizen participation in environmental decision making, the Civil Society Roundtable for Transparency in the Extractive Industries ... Read more

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Colombian organizations ask Congress to urgently ratify Escazú Agreement

Given the alarming situation of those who defend the environment in Colombia and the lack of guarantees in the protection of ecosystems, as well as the barriers that prevent effective citizen participation in environmental decision making, the Civil Society Roundtable for Transparency in the Extractive Industries
requests the Congress of the Republic to ratify the Regional Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean(Escazú Agreement).), doing so will be an important and positive step towards ensuring the sustainable development of the country, based on respect for the planet or the Common House, with a focus on human rights, social justice and citizen participation, as well as guaranteeing the right to life of environmental leaders.

In this sense, and as organizations that seek transparency in extractive regions, we insist on the ratification of Escazú. This treaty is a vital tool for regulating environmental rights in three main aspects: Access to Information, Citizen Participation and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters. Not ratifying it would be a sign of a Congress that lacks will and prevents the country from complying with this commitment in the framework of compliance with the protection of human rights and respect for the lives of those who protect the environment.

Since 2019, within the framework of the Great National Conversation, the Colombian government signed the Agreement before the United Nations. In 2020 it was submitted with a message of urgency by President Iván Duque, and in 2021 it was again submitted to Congress due to pressure from social and environmental groups.

However, since its filing, the bill to ratify the regional treaty has made little progress in the current Congress; only two public hearings were held in 2021. Furthermore, despite its urgency message in 2020, it did not even make it to the first debate, even though it was on the agenda of the Second Committee.

In view of these delaying actions -which show the lack of commitment before the international community- and despite the fact that there are only a few weeks left in the last legislative period of the Government of Iván Duque, the Government’s opposition managed to set the agenda for the discussion of the Escazú Agreement in the Second Committee of the Senate for April 26, 2022.

We insist on the urgency of incorporating this treaty into our legislation, a tool that we hope will allow us to work towards ceasing to be the most dangerous country in the world for environmental leaders and thereby reduce the extreme vulnerability of ecologists, indigenous peoples and environmental defenders in Colombia. As indicated by the international report of Global Witness, by 2020, 65 murders of environmental defenders were recorded and in 2021, 56 homicides have already been counted, placing us for the second consecutive year as the most dangerous country in the world for environmental leaders.

It is worth mentioning that in January 2022 the first murder of an environmental defender was a minor; a member of the indigenous reservation Las Delicias (Cauca), whose voice was extinguished. Likewise, the Investigation and Indictment Unit of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace – JEP warned in recent weeks that the department of Santander is where most threats against environmental leaders are registered.

Let this be the opportunity to request as the Civil Society Roundtable for Transparency in the Extractive Industries, that the commitment to strengthen transparency and accountability in the management of the extractive sectors through the implementation of the EITI Standard be fulfilled. The agreement was signed by Colombia in 2018 and is expected to be validated in 2022.

Finally, we recall that ratifying the Escazú Agreement brings us closer to ethical codes and consensus for the construction of the common good, and shows that Congress is on the side of the vast majority of citizens who expect greater guarantees for access to a decent life in Colombia.

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Third cycle of the dialogue on mining in ethnic territories https://mesatransparenciaextractivas.org/en/news/industry-news-en/tercer-ciclo-del-dialogo-sobre-mineria-en-territorios-etnicos/ Mon, 14 Mar 2022 17:35:53 +0000 https://mesatransparenciaextractivas.org/uncategorized/tercer-ciclo-del-dialogo-sobre-mineria-en-territorios-etnicos/ The virtual event “Cycles of intercultural dialogue in the mining context”, organized by the Alliance for Responsible Mining in collaboration with WWF Colombia, Foro Nacional por Colombia Chapter Central Region, the Dialogue Group on Mining in Colombia and with the support of the Ford Foundation, will be developed in a total of 18 virtual sessions, ... Read more

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The virtual event “Cycles of intercultural dialogue in the mining context”, organized by the Alliance for Responsible Mining in collaboration with WWF Colombia, Foro Nacional por Colombia Chapter Central Region, the Dialogue Group on Mining in Colombia and with the support of the Ford Foundation, will be developed in a total of 18 virtual sessions, one per week, and will bring together leaders, students and public officials working on mining issues in Colombia with special emphasis on ethnic territories.

Mining in ethnic territories is an issue in which ancestral practices, territorial rights, economic interests, environmental protection, land use planning, human rights, among other issues, converge, and is therefore not free of controversy and debate. An example of this is the tensions surrounding the full and transparent implementation of Free, Prior and Informed Consultation and Consent when authorizing mining projects (national and international) in ethnic territories and the current lack of an adequate legal and institutional framework, resulting from an authentic intercultural dialogue, for the use and exploitation of minerals by ethnic groups.

Cycle III: Conservation and Diversification in Pacific Mining Territories

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The XXV Meeting of the Civil Society Roundtable for Transparency in the Extractive Industries was successfully held. https://mesatransparenciaextractivas.org/en/news/board-news-en/se-realizo-exitosamente-la-xxv-reunion-de-la-mesa-de-la-sociedad-civil-para-la-transparencia-en-las-industrias-extractivas/ Sat, 26 Feb 2022 17:39:07 +0000 https://mesatransparenciaextractivas.org/uncategorized/se-realizo-exitosamente-la-xxv-reunion-de-la-mesa-de-la-sociedad-civil-para-la-transparencia-en-las-industrias-extractivas/ – The Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI) and Corporación Cívica de Caldas began their participation in the Roundtable, and the Comité de Seguimiento a la Inversión de las Regalías de Córdoba reactivated its participation. – The NRGI shared its “Diagnostic Guide to Corruption in the Extractive Sector”, a tool for diagnosing corruption. – The Board ... Read more

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– The Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI) and Corporación Cívica de Caldas began their participation in the Roundtable, and the Comité de Seguimiento a la Inversión de las Regalías de Córdoba reactivated its participation.
– The NRGI shared its “Diagnostic Guide to Corruption in the Extractive Sector”, a tool for diagnosing corruption.
– The Board took stock of its subcommittees and planned initiatives for the next quarter.

Bogotá, February 26, 2022

On February 25, the XXV Meeting of the Civil Society Roundtable for Transparency in the Extractive Industries was held to discuss key issues for the promotion of transparency and access to information in the extractive sector and citizen participation in the implementation of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) in Colombia.

The Civil Society Roundtable for Transparency in the Extractive Industries is an instance that emerged in November 2013 and today brings together more than twenty social organizations and academic institutions, located in different parts of the country.


New members

At its XXV meeting, held virtually, the new organizations joining the Roundtable were formally presented: NRGI and the Corporación Cívica de Caldas, as well as the reactivation of the Comité de Seguimiento a la Inversión de las Regalías de Córdoba (CISR).

The Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI) is an independent international non-profit organization. NRGI helps people reap the benefits of their countries’ natural resource wealth, oil, gas and minerals through applied research and capacity building approaches and technical advice.

The Corporación Cívica de Caldas is a civil society organization with 40 years of experience, whose mission is to defend the collective interest in the department of Caldas. Its work includes social control through citizen oversight, monitoring of extractive projects and community accompaniment.


Diagnostic guide to corruption in the extractive sector

During the Meeting, NRGI presented to the Bureau the “Diagnostic Guide to Corruption in the Extractive Sector, a tool for research and action”. This is a participatory methodology that seeks to diagnose corruption in the extractive industries to support evidence-based actions to address this issue.

In addition, the organization Crudo Transparente presented its progress in the implementation of the guide, focused on building participatory strategies to reduce corruption risks in the Colombian oil sector.



During the Meeting, there was also a reflection on the challenges and progress of the action plans of the Subcommittees of the Roundtable, namely: General Royalties System, EITI and Environmental Affairs, as well as the Communications Committee.

Finally, the representatives to the National Tripartite Committee presented the current status of the EITI validation process in Colombia, which is scheduled to take place over the next few months.

“The La Mesa session ended with very good results. We have an action plan to promote the participation of civil society in the validation of the EITI in the country,” explained Pilar Acosta, project coordinator of Transparency for Colombia and member of the Technical Secretariat of the Roundtable. “That is why this year we plan to meet in priority territories, such as Casanare and Cesar,” he added.

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The road to a fair and sustainable economic recovery https://mesatransparenciaextractivas.org/en/news/industry-news-en/el-camino-hacia-una-reactivacion-economica-justa-y-sostenible/ Tue, 14 Dec 2021 17:45:34 +0000 https://mesatransparenciaextractivas.org/uncategorized/el-camino-hacia-una-reactivacion-economica-justa-y-sostenible/ The governments of Colombia and Peru are aware of the importance of the extractive sector for the reactivation of their economies after the crisis caused by the pandemic. Organized civil society sees this situation as a great challenge and proposes alternatives to ensure that the reactivation is fair and respectful of the environment and citizens. ... Read more

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The governments of Colombia and Peru are aware of the importance of the extractive sector for the reactivation of their economies after the crisis caused by the pandemic. Organized civil society sees this situation as a great challenge and proposes alternatives to ensure that the reactivation is fair and respectful of the environment and citizens. In this context, the Platform for Sustainable Reactivation (PLARS) and its partner organizations in Peru tell us about their visions and proposals for a change of course in reactivation, to achieve fair, sustainable and inclusive management of natural resources.

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More than $775,000 million committed in unfinished projects in the Cesar region https://mesatransparenciaextractivas.org/en/news/industry-news-en/mas-de-775-000-millones-comprometidos-en-proyectos-sin-culminar-en-el-cesar/ Thu, 25 Nov 2021 17:46:35 +0000 https://mesatransparenciaextractivas.org/uncategorized/mas-de-775-000-millones-comprometidos-en-proyectos-sin-culminar-en-el-cesar/ By Jhoser Bermúdez 105 projects between 2013 and 2019 are committed in those that have not been delivered or closed in the department of Cesar and that belong to the General Royalties System, SGR, according to data published by the Committee for Monitoring the Investment of Royalties in Cesar, CSIR. The CSIR in recent days ... Read more

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By Jhoser Bermúdez

105 projects between 2013 and 2019 are committed in those that have not been delivered or closed in the department of Cesar and that belong to the General Royalties System, SGR, according to data published by the Committee for Monitoring the Investment of Royalties in Cesar, CSIR.

The CSIR in recent days revealed these data in the ‘Regular Session CSIR Cesar 2021’. Studies based on official information published by the SGR.

Projects 2021

Astrid Navarro, technical secretary of the Monitoring Committee, said: “In 2021 alone, 111 projects have been approved between the municipalities, the Government, Corpocesar, Universidad Popular del Cesar, and other entities that manage royalty resources, all worth more than 783,000 million pesos, of which 40 are under execution and nine have been contracted without a start-up agreement”.

Among the results, it was discovered that 57 projects have not yet been contracted, with a value of 409,668,116,578 pesos, despite having been approved five to eight months ago.

In view of these delays, Navarro indicated that the recommended procedure for these projects is to have them contracted a maximum of five months later and exemplified by pointing out that if a process is approved at the beginning of March, by April at the latest the documentation process should be completed, because after this comes revisions, budget availability, etc., which lead to previous studies; however, after half a year it was evidenced that the contracts have not yet reached the aforementioned studies.

Projects 2013 – 2019

In the study conducted by the CSIR for the years between 2013 and 2019, it was revealed that 105 projects that began in the third year of the last decade have not yet been completed.

Some of the executing entities that were analyzed are the Governor’s Office of Cesar; the capital, Valledupar; municipalities such as Curumaní, El Paso, Gamarra, Agustín Codazzi, Pailitas, Pueblo Bello, San Diego, Chiriguananá, La Jagua De Ibirico, San Martín, Becerril, etc.; and corporations, companies and even the Popular University of Cesar.

28 projects are being executed by the departmental administration, including the construction of a school cafeteria on the campus of the Universidad Popular del Cesar in Valledupar; natural gas connections for strata 1 and 2 in the municipalities of Manaure, El Paso, Bosconia, El Copey, Astrea and Valledupar; recovery and conservation of areas of environmental interest to the Kankuamo indigenous people in Valledupar; among many others.

The entities and/or corporations that have the debt to finalize or close the projects are Corpoica, with the optimization of water and efficient use of soil; Aguas del Cesar, with the implementation of strategies for risk management and adaptation to climate change in rural areas in several municipalities of Cesar; Corpocesar, with the pilot demonstration project of bioremediation and environmental management in the San Alberto river, in the same municipality.

Valledupar, on the other hand, has two projects that have not yet been completed, the much-discussed Casa en el Aire and the priority housing for victims of the conflict in the Porvenir Urbanization.

In total, these projects amount to more than 775,000 million pesos between 2013 and 2019.

Unfinished projects

EL PILÓN contacted the Secretary of Infrastructure of the department, Esther Mendoza, to know the status of some projects mentioned in the study and that concern the Governor’s Office of Cesar, to this she said: “The departmental administration has no project that has not been completed, the only pending project is the CDT Pesquero that will soon be delivered, but the remaining projects are already completed”.

Due to this statement by the Infrastructure Secretariat, Navarro pointed out that one of the reasons for the session held by the CSIR was to make visible a large number of projects that remain open and that is why there are so many “white elephants” in the database of the Royalties Management System.

Likewise, the technical secretary stated that one of the details discovered in the process were the constant errors in the publication of information. He pointed out that some projects have already been completed, however, the certifying documents have never been uploaded, which affects the management indicators, which in turn causes the municipalities and the department to fall below the national average in the country.

Finally, during the presentation of the 2021 ordinary session, it was recommended to report monthly the management of each of the unfinished projects in an adequate and consistent manner; to manage the subscription of contracts for new projects during the following six months of approval; the execution horizon must be adjusted to the conditions of the territory and have a good risk matrix to reduce the impacts; to follow up and manage the time, costs and scope of the projects; and finally, to liquidate and close the terminated contracts within the stipulated timeframe.

*Taken from El Pilón.

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EITI Debates: What is missing? Challenges and opportunities for socio-environmental transparency in Latin America and the Caribbean https://mesatransparenciaextractivas.org/en/news/industry-news-en/debates-eiti-que-falta-retos-y-oportunidades-de-la-transparencia-socio-ambiental-en-america-latina-y-el-caribe/ Fri, 12 Nov 2021 17:47:49 +0000 https://mesatransparenciaextractivas.org/uncategorized/debates-eiti-que-falta-retos-y-oportunidades-de-la-transparencia-socio-ambiental-en-america-latina-y-el-caribe/ EITI Debates: Challenges and opportunities for socio-environmental transparency in Latin America and the Caribbean aims to share good practices in environmental transparency in the extractive sector, and to encourage debate on the obstacles to the generation, disclosure and use of environmental information of interest in Latin America and the Caribbean. The event will be divided ... Read more

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EITI Debates: Challenges and opportunities for socio-environmental transparency in Latin America and the Caribbean aims to share good practices in environmental transparency in the extractive sector, and to encourage debate on the obstacles to the generation, disclosure and use of environmental information of interest in Latin America and the Caribbean. The event will be divided into two days:

Wednesday, November 17, 2.5 hours. The first day of the event will begin with an introductory presentation and then the discussion will be divided into two panels: (1) transparency and access to environmental information, and (2) energy transition.

Thursday, November 18, 2 hours. The second day of the event will begin with an introductory presentation and then the discussion will focus on the panel: environmental rights defenders, in the framework of the Escazú Agreement.

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Coal crisis hits Cesar’s villages https://mesatransparenciaextractivas.org/en/news/industry-news-en/la-crisis-del-carbon-golpea-a-los-pueblos-del-cesar/ Sun, 14 Mar 2021 17:51:50 +0000 https://mesatransparenciaextractivas.org/uncategorized/la-crisis-del-carbon-golpea-a-los-pueblos-del-cesar/ The outlook is bleak in La Jagua de Ibirico, since a month ago the crisis that began a year ago with the pandemic was confirmed. Prodeco, the Swiss subsidiary of the Swiss coal company Glencore in Colombia, announced that it would return its mining titles it held in this area of Cesar in the face ... Read more

The post Coal crisis hits Cesar’s villages appeared first on Mesa de la Sociedad Civil para la transparencia en las Industrias Extractivas.

The outlook is bleak in La Jagua de Ibirico, since a month ago the crisis that began a year ago with the pandemic was confirmed. Prodeco, the Swiss subsidiary of the Swiss coal company Glencore in Colombia, announced that it would return its mining titles it held in this area of Cesar in the face of the National Mining Agency (ANM).

The company explained that its exit was due to the fact that it was not financially able to develop the operation, due to the low price of the mineral in the world.

“The decision to relinquish the mining contracts has not been taken lightly and is a disappointing outcome. During the last 30 years of mining activity in the country, the group has invested more than 3 billion dollars and paid around the same amount in royalties and taxes,” the company explained in a statement.

“We had the hotel thirty years ago,” Marcos laments. We rented rooms to Prodeco workers. The business generated an average monthly income of 6 million pesos, now we barely have one guest who represents 300,000 pesos. We are on the verge of closing”.

The cessation of mining activity is significantly evident in La Jagua de Ibiríco, since 80 percent of its economic dynamics derives directly and indirectly from coal mining.

“In the end, there will be no one left in the company. There will be 5,000 jobs lost, both direct and indirect, in the two mines of La Jagua and Calenturitas,” said Alfredo Coronado, mining advisor to the Cesar Government.

Coronado adds that the impact is high, since the average salary was 3 million pesos, so “we would be talking about 15 billion pesos a month, which would be 180 billion pesos a year, the money that circulated in the area”.

The municipality’s income will also be affected. “We will stop receiving around 20,000 million pesos in royalties, as well as the amount of resources that stop circulating because most of them depend on these resources,” stressed Ovelio Jiménez, mayor of La Jagua.

Now the people are different. Commercial establishments significantly decreased their income, some could not withstand the onslaught and were forced to close, while others are operating at half capacity. Laundry and food service workers have left these trades and the informal sector has increased in the area, such as motorcycle taxis and street vending.

Jaime Luis Ochoaone of the businessmen in the mining area, affirms that the closing of Prodeco affected his field of action due to the non-payment of bank loans to which he had access for the consolidation of his business processes, the purchase of machinery and supplies with which he had been providing services to the company.

“The mining company left us adrift. It provided operational, heavy equipment and industrial safety training services. We created it in 2008 and since 2017 it was providing services to that company and we had to close it on March 24 last year. I have my business and personal accounts seized and today we are bankrupt. The National Guarantee Fund is charging us for the support it offered for these loans. The National Government has not said anything so far,” Ochoa stressed.

Consequences throughout Cesar

Coal mining is one of the most important activities in Cesar, impacting not only La Jagua de Ibirico but also the commercial dynamics of the other municipalities in the so-called mining corridor: Agustín Codazzi, Becerril, El Paso and Chiriguaná.

A total of 46 million tons are mined annually in the region, from which nearly 225,000 million pesos are earned in direct royalties.

And with the exit of Prodeco, Cesar would no longer receive about 30 percent of the annual royalties generated by the mining activity, which is fluctuating between 40,000 and 60,000 million pesos.

“The company contributed to the department’s grand total of between 15 and 18 million tons that it has been producing lately,” said Manuel Mejia Pallares, secretary of mines of Cesar.

A shock for the inhabitants of the mining corridor, political leaders and unions of the department that, apparently, did not take them by surprise, since the company had been making layoffs since 2020.

“Since the pandemic, all operations in these areas have been suspended,” said Jesús Chacón, a member of the workers’ union.

“The company had about 2,600 workers, of which 300 were dismissed and 1,200 took advantage of the voluntary retirement plans that the company has been offering. At the moment it has 950 workers,” explained Robertson Salazar, general secretary of Sintramienergética in La Jagua.

In view of this situation, the National Mining Agency (ANM) has until tomorrow to make a decision regarding the relinquishment of the titles by the Prodeco Group, assessing the environmental, economic and social obligations of the company in the territory.

“That is to say, all these obligations contracted by the company must be reviewed, according to the contract license, sanitizing the mining responsibility, the compensation with the department and the municipalities,” said Mejia Pallares.

The company will lose 5,000 jobs in the region and some 180 billion pesos per year will cease to circulate in the area.

Has the coal industry come to an end?

Experts have mixed views on the future of the coal industry in Colombia.

Falling prices, the pandemic and decarbonization in 2020 exacerbated the crisis in this sector.

Adding to Prodeco’ s news was that last year El Cerrejón closed its exports with 13.6 million tons (the lowest in the last 18 years, representing a 50 percent drop with respect to 2019 exports). Drummond did not perform so badly, with a 10.3 percent decrease in extraction and a 4.4 percent decrease in foreign sales.

Despite this, Juan Camilo Nariño, president of the Colombian Mining Association (ACM), maintains that the industry has not come to an end in our country.

“Colombia has a great opportunity to reach new markets. The demand for the mineral has changed its destination and will continue to do so, concentrating on Asia,” says Nariño, who adds that the country has 70 years of reserves that are still pending to be extracted and continue generating employment, taxes and royalties.

However, Julio César Verapresident of the XUA Energy FoundationThe coal industry is in its final quarter of an hour, he says, which, he says, should give the National Government and to those engaged in this field an incentive to give back to the coal regions what has historically been denied to them.

“There is a trend in the world to move to much cleaner energies, so coal is not in those plans. It is necessary that this historical misappropriation of royalty resources be returned with social projects and real investments for these areas that live on these resources, because when they leave they will be left adrift,” Vera said.

Regarding the coal outlook in the country, Vera argues that as the United States advances in its implementation of exploiting unconventional deposits, Colombia will be able to advance in the use of coal in a responsible manner to take advantage of the final stretch of this material.

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