Category: News

Webinar Challenges of the Reform to the General Royalties System: Transparency,
Participation and Accountability Transparencia por Colombia, with the...
Planning: pillar of effective participation in mining-energy projects
By: Jorge Calle Ríos. Proantioquia Citizen participation as...
Planeación pilar de la participación efectiva en los proyectos minero – energéticos
Well Done Mining for Regional Development Forum
By: CSIR Cesar The National Mining Agency (ANM)...
Foro Minería Bien Hecha para el Desarrollo Regional
New Popular Consultation: Cumaral, Meta.
By: Mónica Osorio. OCASA Corporation Cumaral is located...
Nueva Consulta Popular Cumaral Meta
Resounding rejection of mining in Cajamarca
97.92 percent of the population voted no to...
Contundente rechazo a minería en Cajamarca
El Salvador made history by banning mining
The Central American country’s Congress approved a law...
El Salvador hizo historia al prohibir la minería
Main conclusions of the X Session of the Civil Society Roundtable for Transparency in the Extractive Industries
During the week of March 6-10, 2017, Bogota...
Principales conclusiones de la X Sesión de la Mesa de la Sociedad Civil para la Transparencia en las Industrias Extractivas (1)
Latin American and Caribbean Civil Society demands Socio-Environmental Transparency in Extractive Industries
PRONOUNCEMENT We are representatives of civil society organizations...
Is the critical point overcome? Disclosure of contracts within EITI
Join us for a public discussion on emerging...
La divulgación de contratos dentro de EITI
Tenth Session of the Civil Society Roundtable for Transparency in the Extractive Industries
On March 8, the members of the roundtable...
X Sesión de la Mesa de la Sociedad Civil por la Transparencia en las Industrias Extractivas